About Graedon Parker - Our First Sweet Artist

About Graedon Parker - Our First Sweet Artist

Award winning graphic Artist, speaker, wellbeing advocate
and our first Sweet Artist, Graedon Parker.

Graedon is one of those people that when given a chance (usually impromptu) will stand up to make a speech, rap, or share a karakia before a meal. You’ll find him, black ink pen in hand on the nearest sand dune sketching a bay or in the bush chewing on kawa kawa leaves. 

Graedon’s work is heavily influenced by the conservation of our native world, so you will see many oceans, rivers, mountains, birds, insects and native forests within his work. 

Grab a cup of tea, and get to know Graedon a little more below, or even better just listen to his spotify playlist he shared with us.

So Graedon, tell us about the piece/s you drew for Sweet Art - what was the inspiration?

I love to paint Aotearoa's native bird-life, in particular the many colours of the Kererū - or "Kūkupa" as known in Northland. They are positioned with a brush of Karaka berries, poisonous to humans, but a popular snack for the Kererū. These birds are the only birds large enough to carry these seeds around to help the forest regenerate and flourish. Without the Kererū, many of our large trees such as the Puriri, Karaka and more would cease to increase in numbers. 

What gets your creative juices flowing?

Sometimes it takes days of procrastination and momentum for the creative juice to flow. However a belly full of good food and a fresh body/mind after working out, stretching or meditation always helps.

Do you have any tips or anything you want to say to the individual's painting your piece?

Connect to the mischievous Kererū energy.

What role did creativity have in your life growing up?

Painting and drawing was a way for me to process my learnings, emotions, and ideas that I wanted to share with the world. My family always supported me in this endeavor by always making sure I had the paints, pens, pencils and drawing pads in order for me to explore and expand my horizons.

Any tips for adults to help bring more creativity into their life (even if it's not drawing/painting)?

I listened to a lot of rap/hip hop music growing up. The style itself was born out of a form of expression, and I love how deep messages can be expressed in a few lines of poetry. Recently I have found great joy in rhyming and freestyling whilst driving, cooking, painting or drawing - this keeps my creativity flowing and my mind sharp. The key is trusting that the right words will always come to you.

What music do you listen to when you are making art? We'd love you to share your playlist with us

Click here for the playlist.

What handy tips do you have for aspiring artists?

When I was young, a man behind the counter in an art store once told me of the importance to keep drawing, painting, designing, doing anything creative no matter what it was... He said I would find that as I got better at one technique, I would get better at them all simultaneously.

Moral of the story - keep drawing, painting, rapping, writing - wherever the creative winds take you. At the end of the day, improving any creative task or technique is going to improve something else in your life too.

What does your "perfect" day look like?

Rising early to stretch / workout in the sunshine.
A great superfood smoothie.
Some solid hours of painting ideally outside.
A nutritious lunch.
More hours spent doing meaningful work.
Time at the beach, at the river or in the bush.
A walk before sunset with my woman.

What personality trait has got you in the most trouble?

Holding true to my own values and not being afraid to walk against the grain.

Show us your favourite piece that you've done:

This piece makes me feel proud as it's based on a photography by my great uncle Eric Lee-Johnson, a famous NZ artist from the 1930s - 1990. Him and his forebears were the first in our family to settle in Piha in the 1930s, creating an intergenerational love for the wild west coast forest and beach - where our family still resides today.

How do you cope with mental health challenges? Do you have any mindfulness practices you would like to share?

I like to journal about my experiences - and I also sit regularly in men's circles which have helped me exponentially in my mental/emotional health journey. On other days I will spend time in nature listening, swimming in cold water, and hanging with people who hold a high vibration/frequency in my life.

Where can people find you and your work?

Web: www.gparker.io
Insta: @gparker.art

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1 comment

Well done. I am very impressed. Hope it all goes well. Much love Grandmaxxxxxx

Colleen Roughton

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