Our Founder's Story

Art never came easy to me. I found putting a pencil or paint brush to a blank piece of paper an incredibly intimidating experience. That coupled with the art curriculum at high school that didn’t favour us art-amateurs, I never felt it was worth trying. I thought, because I didn’t fit my school’s idea of an Artist, then perhaps I wasn’t one. 

Years later, I rediscovered my creativity and redefined what an “Artist” was to me. I realised I grew up with them all around me - talented cooks, dedicated gardeners, skilled builders, accomplished pianists, passionate musos, inspired painters and imaginative writers. 

It’s likely that you too are an Artist of some kind. 

We created Sweet Art to inspire the innate creativity that lives within each of us. By creating a bridge between our incredible Fine Artists in Aotearoa, and us, the amateur Artists. Our collaborative Sweet Art Paint Kits give everyone the chance to feel like Frida Kahlo, Yayoi Kusama or Van Gogh (whatever your flavour). 

- Maddi

Our Sweet Team

Meet the women behind Sweet Art: Amy and Maddi.

They met at the age of 8 hiding under a mutual friend’s bed playing a game of hide and seek.

Safe to say, they’ve been friends ever since. 

Their different minds compliment each other as friends, and now as business partners. 

Amy is the connoisseur behind Sweet Art’s project planning, road-mapping and organisation. While Maddi’s ideas keep the operation adapting and evolving. 

Together we make up a pretty sweet team of two! 

We look forward to sharing Sweet Art with more of you. 

- Maddi & Amy